How to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out to Recruiters

Recruiters are also human. Just like you and me, they grow tired of reading the same old boring cover letter template that all applicants adopt and use every time. 

It's no secret, and you're already on the hunt for ways to make your cover letter pop, but let's be real: writing a cover letter that stands out can be tough. 

You want to catch the recruiter's attention and make them say, 'Wow, this is exactly the person we need!' without sounding like you're trying too hard. So, let's dive into what makes a cover letter stand out and get you that interview request!

How to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out From the Rest of the Pile?

Here are six essential tips to elevate your cover letter and ensure it stands out to recruiters, making a memorable impression.

Tip#1: Your Cover Letter Should Speak Directly to the Job and Company

Make your cover letter feel like it’s just for this job and this company. Find out the recruiter's name and use it. Look up what the company does and mention why you like it. 

For example, if you’re applying to a bookstore, say you love their community reading events. This shows you really care about this job, not just any job.

Tip#2: Your Cover Letter Should Tell a Story

People remember stories more than lists of facts. Start your cover letter with a short story that highlights your strengths. 

For instance, if you're applying for a sales role, tell them about the time you landed a difficult client or how you helped increase your team’s sales numbers.

The trick is to pick a story that shows you have the skills needed for the job. This makes your cover letter engaging and memorable.

Tip#3: Your Cover Letter Should Reflect the Real You

Be real. Don’t hide behind formal or stiff language. Write like how you’d speak in a professional setting. 

Share your real reasons for wanting the job and what excites you about the company. If you’re passionate about their mission to promote sustainability, say so! Genuine excitement can be a big plus.

Tip#4: Your Cover Letter Should Highlight Your Unique Contributions

Explain what you can do for them. Don’t just list your past jobs; show how you made things better. 

Did you increase sales, make customers happier, or make something more efficient? Use numbers if you can. Like, “At my last job, I increased sales by 20%.”

Tip#5: Your Cover Letter Should Invite Further Conversation

End with a bang. Invite them to contact you or say you’re looking forward to talking more about how you can help. It’s like saying, “I’m ready for the next step,” and makes it easy for them to reach out.

You could say something like, “I’d love to discuss how my experience in customer service can benefit your team. I look forward to the opportunity to talk more.”

This shows you’re eager and ready for a follow-up.

Tip#6: Your Cover Letter Should Be a Visual Treat

The look of your cover letter matters as much as its content. Use a clean, professional template. Make sure it’s easy to read with a good layout. 

Choose a standard, professional font like Arial or Times New Roman, and keep the font size around 11 or 12. Keep your margins even and ensure there’s enough white space so that the letter doesn’t look cramped. 

This attention to detail shows you take the application process seriously.

Creating a cover letter that stands out is about making a genuine connection with the recruiter. It's your opportunity to showcase not just your qualifications but your personality and enthusiasm. 

Remember, your cover letter is your first impression – make it count. 


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