12 Signs Your Coworker is Passive-Aggressive Towards You

Have you ever felt like a coworker is not quite friendly but can't put your finger on why? It's tricky, right? Sometimes, this can be a sign of passive-aggressive behavior. Recognizing these signs is the first step to nipping that behavior in the bud.

So, let's dive into the 12 signs that suggest your coworker might be passive-aggressive towards you.

Sign 1 - Subtle Insults Disguised as Jokes:

Have you ever heard your coworker make a joke about you that didn't quite feel like a joke? This is a classic sign. They might say something that seems funny on the surface, but it leaves you feeling a bit hurt or embarrassed.

Sign 2 - The Compliment That's Not Really a Compliment:

Watch out for those 'compliments' that don't feel right. Maybe they say something like, "You're so brave for wearing that outfit," which sounds nice but actually feels like a dig at your fashion sense.

Sign 3 - Sarcasm Overload:

Is your coworker often sarcastic around you? A little sarcasm can be harmless, but too much, especially if it's often directed at you, can be a subtle form of aggression.

Sign 4 - They're Never Direct:

Do you feel like your coworker never says what they really mean? If they're always beating around the bush or saying things indirectly, it's a sign they might be passive-aggressive.

Sign 5. Eye Rolls and Sighs:

These small actions can say a lot. If your coworker rolls their eyes or sighs a lot when interacting with you, it's a sign of disrespect and passive-aggressive behavior.

Sign 6 - They Always Leave You Out:

Are you often the last to know about office news or gatherings? Being excluded can be their way of sending a message without actually saying anything.

Sign 7 - Backhanded Help:

Does it feel like when they offer help, it's not really helpful? For instance, they might volunteer to assist you with a project but then do it half-heartedly or make you look bad.

Sign 8 - They're Hot and Cold:

One day, they're friendly; the next, they're cold. This inconsistency can be confusing and is often a tactic to keep you off balance.

Sign 9 - Neglecting to Share Important Information:

Ever been in a situation where you were the last to know something important for your work? This deliberate withholding of information can be a passive-aggressive act.

Sign 10 - Subtle Sabotage:

They might not outright ruin your work, but small acts like 'forgetting' to inform you about a meeting or 'misplacing' a document you need can be a sign.

Sign 11 - They’re Always Playing the Victim:

If they often act like they're the one being wronged or misunderstood, especially when confronted, it's a passive-aggressive tactic. This deflects attention from their behavior and puts you on the defensive.

Sign 12 - Spread Rumors or Gossip:

Lastly, if you hear that they're talking about you behind your back or spreading rumors, it's a clear sign of passive-aggressive behavior.

Related: Ways to Handle Passive Aggressive Coworkers

Dealing with passive-aggressive coworkers can be draining. It's important to recognize these signs not to fall into their trap of negativity. Remember, it's not about you; it's about them and their inability to communicate healthily. Keep your chin up and stay true to your professional self. After all, the best response to passive aggression is to remain positive, assertive, and above the fray.


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