Café and Networking Podcast with Tom Reaoch

Tom Reaoch: Café Networking Podcast promotes successful business experts. I'm Tom Reaoch, known as the King of Networking, connecting people throughout the world from my podcast studio in Brazil. Today, we're talking with Annie Yang, and she's joining us from Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. Annie Margarita Yang is the go-to finance guru for millennials, a candid, no-fluff YouTube personality, and best-selling author of "The 5 Day Job Search."

Tom Reaoch: So, Annie, about the book "The 5 Day Job Search," who is it for?

Annie Margarita Yang: The 5 Day Job Search is for the 44 million Americans who have student loan debt. As of October 1st, student loan repayments will begin again. People, for the last three years, have gotten used to the fact that they no longer had to make monthly payments of $300 to $500. Where is this money going to come from every month? Now, these people are going to have to make more money. So I wrote this book for job seekers who are looking to get a salary increase. In this book, I teach people how to get a salary increase of up to $35,000 and how to get a job in only five days because they're going to interview with confidence and they're going to fearlessly negotiate for the salary that they need.

Tom Reaoch: So, where do we need to be prepared? A person needs to be prepared for any interview.

Annie Margarita Yang: Yes, everyone needs to be prepared for any interview. This book is really about how to interview without that sense of desperation. Especially if you owe student loan debt and have this debt looming over your head, wondering how you're going to pay it back. It causes significant financial pressure to do better. When you have this desperation in your energy, everyone can sense that, and it's not very attractive. So I teach you how to remove that from your energy, so you come across as a very confident job seeker, as if you're someone who has options, and you're there not because you need to be but because you want to be.

Tom Reaoch: Right. I hear that. It's pretty much the same everywhere in the world. Seriously, in places like Brazil specifically, you may not have the impact of student loans, but everybody's borrowing money from somewhere. That could be from family, working two jobs, really just to get by. So, it is a stressful time. And if you do get to the interview, you just want to start out and say, "Well, I need this job because I'm broke." But you need to be more than that.

Annie Margarita Yang: Yeah, you don't want to say that in an interview. You want to tell the employer how you plan on adding value to their company. In this book, I delve into how you can research a company in-depth. So, by the time you go into the interview, you've already done the research. You already have solutions that you can present, so you're more like a consultant, asking them, "Which solution do you like most?" rather than trying to make them like you.

Tom Reaoch: Not just that. What they want is to know, "How much money are you going to make for me or the company?" That value translates into money. If you're not here to help the company move forward and either save money or make more money, why are you here?

Annie Margarita Yang: Yes, the end goal of a business is to make money. And before we went on air, you mentioned that your book was recently awarded a prize, right?

Tom Reaoch: Yes, it recently, just three days ago, became an award-winning book. It won the 2023 New York City Big Book Award. So you got the Big Book Award in the Big Apple.

Annie Margarita Yang: That's right. That's where I'm originally from as well. New York City is seen as the place where immigrants go to. It's the embodiment of the American dream. I genuinely believe in the American dream and opportunity. And I think this book can help people realize that the American dream is still possible if you're willing to work for it.

Tom Reaoch: But it's a process, right? It is a process, step by step, and that's what you offer to the readers.

Annie Margarita Yang: I have a checklist in my book and all these proven strategies that are definitely going to work because they're based on my personal life experiences.

Tom Reaoch: Very good. Congratulations on the book and the award. Thank you so much, Tom. How can our listeners find you?

Annie Margarita Yang: They can find me on For a limited time only, I'm offering a 10 percent off discount on a signed paperback copy, and I will ship this out to you personally. If you live in the United States, you'll get free domestic shipping.

Tom Reaoch: Very good. Congratulations again, and I'm sure we'll be back talking in the future. Thank you so much, Tom. For our listeners, again, it's Annie Yang, spelled A-N-N-I-E, and the last name Y-A-N-G. Find her on LinkedIn. It's Café Networking is brought to us by Focus on My Market Intelligence, an agricultural market research specialist in Brazil. For more information, visit Talk to Tom. Talk to the world. Thanks for listening. Until next time here at Café Networking Podcast.


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