How To Manage Your Anxiety Before and During a Virtual Interview

Hi there! Apparently, a virtual interview is in your future. That's quite impressive! But you can feel those nerves starting to set in as the big day draws near, can't you? No need to fret; that's quite common. 

Keep your cool before, during, and after your virtual interview with the aid of these helpful tips. Keep in mind that being perfect is less important than showing your interviewer what a remarkable human being you are.

Just Before the Interview

Arrange Your Space: 

Consider the interview location as a makeshift stage. Ideally, you should look for a peaceful area with excellent lighting. You don't want to be too relaxed, so make it comfortable without being overly cozy. A neat and orderly background may help provide a good first impression.

Put Your Best Foot Forward: 

Put on an outfit that conveys confidence and professionalism. While it may be good to dress modestly up to the waist, it is helpful to dress formally occasionally to put yourself in a professional state of mind. It's as if you're shielded in confidence.

Practice Aloud: 

Find out how to respond to common interview questions. You might find it helpful to stand in front of a mirror and watch your body language and facial expressions. Similar to rehearsing for a performance. You will feel more at ease during the real interview if you practice.

Get to Know the Company: 

Investigate the company thoroughly. Stay up-to-date on their latest accomplishments, values, and news. You'll feel more prepared and involved doing the interview, just like you doing your homework before the first day of school.

Try Some Other Relaxing Techniques Besides Deep Breathing: 

It might be as simple as taking a short stroll, listening to soothing music, or performing mild stretching. Take some time before the interview to do something that helps you relax.

During The Interview

First Impression Counts: 

Bear in mind that the interview is all about making a good first impression. Start with a friendly greeting and a smile. It sets a positive tone for the conversation. Just be yourself; the interviewer is trying to gauge if you'll be a good match.

Your Body Language Speaks Volumes:

Keep your shoulders relaxed and your back straight; your body language says a lot. Use hand gestures naturally as you speak – this is a great way to show your excitement and make your point clearer.

Engage in Active Listening:

Show that you're paying attention and actively listening by nodding and smiling. Being attentive to the other person's words and ideas is more important than simply waiting for your chance to speak.

It’s Okay to Pause Before Answering Difficult Questions: 

It's okay to pause for a moment to gather your thoughts if you get asked a challenging question. It is often more remarkable to wait and think about something than to answer quickly and unsure of yourself.

Handle Technical Difficulties With Grace:

When problems with technology emerge, handle them politely. Make sure you know what to do in case your connection goes off. This demonstrates that you can deal with unforeseen difficulties.

After the Interview

After the interview, give yourself time to think about what you learned. What was successful? Why wasn't it better? You'll be able to improve and learn from this reflection for your future interview.

Next Steps:

As a lovely touch, send a quick email of gratitude to the interviewer. It demonstrates your gratitude and further emphasizes your enthusiasm for the role.

In summary

Keep in mind that feeling anxious is very natural. It shows your concern and desire for success. Virtual or not, every interview is an educational process. So relax, have faith in your preparation, and do it. I believe in you!


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